Our new newsletter is out! Inside you’ll find all our current events & activities. Due to COVID-19, we’re unfortunately not able to offer some of our usual services like our day trips & line dancing class. We’ve done our best to still offer as much as is safely possible, from seated exercise classes to bingo and seated lunches. All our services are held in COVID-secure venues, with safety measures in place such as hand sanitizer. smaller class sizes and social distancing.
Unfortunately due to the current pandemic we may have to cancel or reschedule some of the events in our newsletter. We’ll keep you informed here and on our facebook page at www.facebook.com/ageconcernlutterworth.
Our annual Big Information Day has also had to be cancelled. Instead, we’ve filled this issue of our newsletter with information on service providers & activity groups in the Lutterworth area. There’s whole range of topics covered, including:
- Community Transport
- Home Care
- Home Meal Delivery
- Support for Carers
- Mental Health Support
- Lifeline Services
- Dementia Support
- Legal Advice
We’ve also included advice & guides on mask wearing, attendance allowance, pension credit and more!
Download your copy by clicking the link below, or pick up a physical copy at our shop!