The 2023 Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday 20th September at 2pm at Lutterworth Town Hall.
- Attendance: Carol Scholes, Inger Parsons, Carole Harrington, Helen Potter, Sandy Wheelwright, Shirley Farinha, Roger Platt, Allan Heggs.
- Apologies: Sam Weller, Sarah Simms.
- Appointment of Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-Chair:
Carole was appointed as Secretary, proposed by Sandy, seconded by Shirley.
Roger was appointed as Treasurer, proposed by Carol, seconded by Helen.
Helen was appointed as Vice-Chair, proposed by Shirley, seconded by Inger.
- Financial report: Roger presented the report and accounts which showed a surplus for the first five months of the financial year of £542 and a balance of £172,489. This is in line with the budget forecast. Our Building Society interest and Gift Aid Recovery will add to these figures.
- General Manager’s Report: Carol went through Sarah’s report.
- TLC Survey Results: It was considered that the survey was worthwhile with 51 people having completed it. Two-thirds of people thought that an alternative day-out with a lunch was acceptable. In view of the fact that 22 clients would be willing to change to the Wycliffe rooms, Trustees decided to run only one TLC per month, starting from January at a cost of £20, it was felt Jane and Helen could run this alternate months. There will be no pre-payment for this.
- Staffing: Sarah is carrying out staff reviews. Our new member of staff- Karen Burrows has settled in very well.
- Premises and equipment: Shirley reported that the latch to the side gate needs attention.
- Policies: The policies due for review were examined and small amendments will be made. These are Employee Review and Development Scheme/policy, Bank card policy, Mental Health and Wellbeing policy, Trustee and Volunteer welcome packs.
- Any other business: It was decided that when running trips with two coaches that at least three couriers overall should travel to cover any eventualities.
Shirley has been picking up two clients from Broughton Astley to bring into Lutterworth for events and in view of motor insurance regulations she has had to cancel this. Inger suggested that Shirley discusses this with Community Transport who could offer a solution.
The meeting closed at 3.05pm.
The AGM report can be downloaded by clicking below: