Currently, all our services and activities up to July 2020 have been cancelled. The holiday in September is still planned to take place and we will update if anything changes. Once quarantine ends, we hope to start running small social groups again, as well as re-open our shop and start to take donations again.
Alison, Jane and Lizzie are currently working to stay in touch with clients and provide help and suport to those that need it. If you need help getting groceries or prescriptions, we can make referrals to local support. Or if you just want a friendly chat we’re here for you.
The shop is unfortunately closed, but you can contact us through email at or by calling 07563 807700 or 07517 291711. We will not be able to respond to any calls to our office number 01455 557116.
You can click here for more information on what help and support is currently availiabe in Lutterworth & the surrounding villages.